Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How to Write a Good Article

Whether you are doing it for a website, teacher, newspaper, or magazine, writing a great article is within your reach. Below are a few basic tips that can help you improve your article writing skills tremendously and come up with pieces that are not only informative but interesting as well.

Step 1: Coming up With Your Idea

Monday, April 14, 2014


It's been months since I posted here. Actually its been an interesting couple of months full of highs and lows. Its those moments that you reflect back on and realize what a difference they have made in your life and others....................... well.................... they are just that, moments you would never like to revisit or regret doing them (maybe in fifty years I will be laughing about them; but, not now). I will try to recap on the events as they come to mind.

But, one thing really stands out, my procrastination levels (I do measure them on some scalar level) have been so effffing high. You know you have to do something, you created the time and all it takes is to make a phone call. Somehow you never get around to that for a hundred and one reasons that sound like bs once you have missed that opportunity.

Am not only talking about myself, but other people as well when I clearly can see they should have done something but they keep on delaying the inevitable. I was once in such a situation, I preferred locking myself work with my work for a couple of weeks instead of dealing with the issue outright. When I finally worked up the courage to do it, it only took a couple of seconds on the phone and everything was alright.

Just a few miserable seconds tortured me for weeks that was efffffing crazy. Procrastination, is a word I do not want to think about; but, I still find myself doing it. It's time to get off my lazy ass and do something about it like now...............................

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

How to Overcome the Blocks to Feeling Motivated

Motivation can only be achieved in one way, which is by not trying too hard since the harder you put more effort into something the more frustrating it can get. The feeling of lacking motivation is a predicament that exists only in the mind therefore, it is vital that instead of trying to seek motivation, you need to have the need to be motivated.

For a majority of individuals motivation is a natural process however, for a few others it is not as easy. It

Grand Theft Auto V Review

A Glimpse of the Three Main Characters

Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) is finally out in the shops after weeks and even months of speculation. This Grand Theft Auto V Review looks at the main characters in the game and the overall effect they have on the game’s storyline.

The Characters

Things You Should Never do on Facebook if You’re in a Relationship is probably one of the most popular websites with a current global and United States rank of 2. There are reportedly 8,353,390 sites that have linked to this website and no wonder it has become such a phenomenon. In fact, in the United States, the number of divorce cases attributed to has been on the increase especially lately.

It is all fun and bliss when you are finally in that new relationship and everything seems rosy going to forever. However, there is a monster on the loose; that is the lack of netiquette (acronym for internet etiquette or network etiquette) especially on Facebook. Below are a few don’ts to avoid if you are in a relationship otherwise, they will railroad your relationship to ruin.

50 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Self-Esteem

Well I do not usually read such topics (it's a guy thing), however, as a writer, I write on plenty of topics (I try to stay away from anything about sex, violence and gambling) so I get to read a lot. However, the information below was my personal mantra for a long time, when I was going through a dark period (it's passed) and thought it can help you too: (najua many people will be shocked eti mimi huandika na husoma vitu kama hizi but hey! this is a rant page what do you expect, Rambo?)

Low self-esteem is a self-fulfilling prophecy. The worse you feel about yourself, the less energy and motivation you have to do what it takes to turn your self-esteem around. Your self-esteem continues to plummet as your brain locks in on negative and circular thinking, further entrenching you in beliefs that have little or no basis in reality.
Self-esteem improves by changing both your thoughts and behaviors. You must practice new thoughts and behaviors until you begin to turn the tide of your feelings about yourself. In addition, you must continue practicing them to maintain a healthy love for yourself.
Here are 50 actions you can take to begin improving your self-esteem:

First Post

Well this is the first post I'm making so go easy. You might have noticed the colors are a bit iiish but will work on improving that as time allows. Basically, this is where I'll rant bout things happening around me as well as try to philosophisize (I dont think thats a word) I think you get what I'm trying to say. So go easy on me, I bruise easy!