Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How to Write a Good Article

Whether you are doing it for a website, teacher, newspaper, or magazine, writing a great article is within your reach. Below are a few basic tips that can help you improve your article writing skills tremendously and come up with pieces that are not only informative but interesting as well.

Step 1: Coming up With Your Idea

It is crucial that you start by identifying your audience before you start writing. There are different types of audiences and each of them has different requirements. For example the pre-teen audience requires a different type of writing compared to the academic audience.

Upon audience identification, you need to learn their needs. Look at your knowledge levels and see how they match up with the information needs of your target needs. This is probably the easiest way for you to find that topic you should write about. Another great source for ideas is carrying out extensive research into a topic that you do not have much information about.

An important article writing skill you should cultivate includes the capability to produce unique material. This is especially pivotal if writing on a topic other people have also written about. It is important that you add to the topic conversation and not merely exist alongside. This helps draw in your readers, keeping them coming back later for more. This can be easily achieved by:
·         Writing your topic from an angle that no one has ever written before. This includes using a visual approach, different tone or employing several methods of altering your material.
·         Adding new ideas to your topic. This includes offering or suggesting information that is fresh in your niche industry.

It is also crucial that you care about your topic. The enthusiasm you have will definitely show and the article will become more engaging to your readers. You are also likely to influence them into caring about something they never really gave a thought to before, including historical concepts or current events.

Step 2: Researching Your Ideas
Start with learning the basic, general explanations of whatever niche topic you are looking to write on. This provides you with a framework on what you should look for as you carry out research. Sources of information include books, interviews with knowledgeable persons in the field of interest, general information websites, or even newspaper articles.

Once you have an idea of what you are looking for, use the library, watch documentaries or browse the internet to learn everything about your topic. In other words, be an expert. Make use of various types of materials available, including charts and photographs, to add depth to your articles.

Step 3: Writing Your Article
Decide the length of your article. Ask yourself what is more important, word count or number of pages filled. The content type you are writing about, space to be filled, as well as how much you should write to cover your topic adequately are important elements that should be considered before writing the article.

As you write, follow the basic steps below:
1.       Create an outline of your article breaking down what information goes where.
2.       Determine the voice, structure and style you would like to use in your writing.
3.       Write your article.
4.       Edit your piece before submitting it and if possible wait a day or two before editing to help you better see the mistakes and correct them.
5.       Make the article better using charts, pictures, videos and other materials.
6.       Respect other writers by citing them at the bottom of your article and not plagiarizing their work.
7.       Once you have completed your work, submit it in the manner prescribed.

Article writing is likely to invite various reactions from other people, the best way to get over this is to ignore it and accept it as part of life.

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